Morgan Sindall – King’s Cross Redevelopment
innDex Client: Morgan Sindall
Ultimate Client: Network Rail
Project: Kings Cross station
Sector: Rail
In March 2020 the UK along with all other countries across the world faced an unprecedented emergency due to Covid-19. Construction sector activity began to decline at the fastest rate since the 2009 financial crisis. This meant sites across the UK were either closing down or dramatically reducing works to only essential tasks. The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) published guidance via the Site Operating Procedures (SOP). The SOP highlighted that site access and egress were key risks owing to prevalence of biometric hand scanners and unreliable card readers.
The works being carried out at Kings Cross by Morgan Sindall were of critical importance to Network Rail. In fact all rail works were deemed critical to national infrastructure and as such had to continue to ensure the safe operation of rail services.
We installed our thermal cameras and provided Morgan Sindall with the innDex software platform. The data from the cameras was integrated with the innDex platform. We completed the installation within 5 days of being contacted by Morgan Sindall.
Together, they chose to accelerate the installation to ensure that there were no delays to the critical project.
For this project we installed thermal optic camera sensors at all site entrances. The cameras are calibrated to check temperatures between 30 – 45 ºC and to an accuracy of ±0.5ºC. This is sufficient for identifying individuals with potential symptoms of the Covid-19 virus.
Prior to installing the innDex thermal cameras the site team were manually checking temperatures of people as they arrived at site.
By switching to the automated thermal checks; people could be checked quickly, more accurately and a digital record could be maintained. The use of automated technology measures is common practice in many countries that are accustomed to dealing with infectious diseases such as Coronavirus, SARS, Swine Flu etc.
innDex have taken a digital-led approach with the installation of this sensor, leveraging their expertise with workforce management to integrate temperature screening with automated site access control.
Staff are simultaneously screened and signed in, eradicating the need for extra staff, leading to both cost and risk reduction.
This video provides an illustrative example of how automated thermal cameras function. This wall mounted sensor completely eliminates the need for site access controllers to manually – and in close proximity – check the temperature of those accessing the site. Morgan Sindall have exceeded the minimum recommendations outlined in the CLC’s SOP, and by doing so have provided a safer place for people to work.
By removing the need for manual checks Morgan Sindall and Network Rail save £12,000 per month in project costs.
innDex have helped Morgan Sindall reduce the time it takes to sign in from 45 minutes to under 20 minutes. These initial temperature tests are useful in stimulating further conversations on a wider topic; other coronavirus symptoms, social distancing best practice and the criticality of self-isolation. This has ultimately allowed Morgan Sindall to keep sites open, staff working and projects moving forward – safely.
innDex’s automated thermal imaging solution has been incredibly well received, and feedback shows the benefits outweigh the cost. Without this screening solution, risk of spreading the virus would be greater. The team also noted that this technology made them feel safer at work, and that they are highly valued by Morgan Sindall.
Morgan Sindall, along with Network Rail at Kings' Cross have raised the bar considerably and have ensured that the workers feel comfortable in getting on site and managing to stay safe.
dave white, pc manager
VolkerFitzpatrick – Ilford & Romford StationsSeptember 9, 2020/0 Comments
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